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Support Letters and Sciences

Thank you for considering a donation to Letters & Sciences.  Gifts to our department will contribute to the mission and goals of Letters & Sciences; and to initiatives that support the success of undecided and undeclared students. Your support will be used towards; improving academic advising resources, enhancing opportunities for students related to their academic and career goals, providing ways for students to explore major options, or creating additional need-based and merit awards; and more.

How To Give

If you wish to direct a gift to the Letters & Sciences Award fund or other special projects in Letters & Sciences you have the following options: 

  1. You may make a gift online by visiting Fearless Ideas: The Campaign for Maryland. Enter your amount and click on the "Give Now" button. You can also use the Search for Fund box at any time by searching for "Letters and Sciences Discretionary Fund" to designate your gift.
  2. You may send a gift check.  Please make the check out to "UMCP Foundation" with a memo specifying "Letters & Sciences Discretionary Fund". Mail to: Office of Gift Acceptance, 4603 Calvert Road, College Park, MD 20740-3421.
  3. You may discuss special Letters and Sciences needs with Mr. Eric Van Johnson.  He can be contacted at 301-314-8418 or

Thank you for considering a gift to the Office of Letters and Sciences.

Great Expectations Campaign