Text Book and Lecture Notes
To organize complete and accurate notes from textbooks and lectures, a learner must recognize the clues to main ideas and details. Once main ideas and details have been identified, notes can be organized in a manner that promotes and not hinders learning.
Pay attention to the following:
- Bold print
- Italics
- Chapter title
- Sub-headings
- Numbered items
- Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams
- Colored or highlighted words and phrases
- Lettered items
- Numbered items
- Chapter summaries
- Chapter questions
- Listing or outline of the main ideas in the chapter
- Topics to be covered that are listed on the board or overhead
- Main ideas and details placed on the chalkboard
- Verbal listing of topics to be covered
- Clue words such as: "First........... "Next........"Furthermore...... "The first step.... "Last............. "Then............. "More importantly....."In contrast..... “Another .......
- Information that is repeated
- Gestures such as pointing, especially at ideas on the board
- Concepts in lecture AND in the textbook
- Instructor may tell you something is important
- Raising or lowering of voice pitch/loudness
- Instructor speaks faster or slower
- Topics covered in handouts
- The amount of time spent on an idea or concept: more time means more importance
- Ideas covered on overhead projections
- Questions an instructor asks in class
9/91rev5/10, 2/11,4/12, 8/12 Developed by Dennis H. Congos, Academic Advisor & Learning Skills Specialist, First Year Advising and Exploration, 116 Phillips Hall, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 32816 407-823-3789 Email: Dennis.Congos@ucf.edu